The Spring sports season for Edgewood Middle School and High School are just around the corner. If your child plans to play a spring sport, please mark the sport in Final Forms so you receive all the important information from the teams before practices and tryouts begin. Per Board Policy, if this will be your child’s 3rd sport for this school year there is no charge for participation fee.
If you need information about a spring sport please contact the head coach or the Athletic Department:
Boys High School Volleyball Mark Blair–
Baseball Austin Hatfield–
Softball Wayne Henson–
Boys Lacrosse Rob Ballentyne–
Girls Lacrosse Kristin Butler–
Boys High School Track Tom Bloomberg–
Girls High School Track Amanda King–
Boys Middle School Track Bob Hawkins–
Girls Middle School Track Kevin McDonell–
Athletic Director Scott Clemmons–
Athletic Secretary Gayle Gilbert–
Middle School AthleticFacilitator Lindsay Aldrich–