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League Table

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League Table

17/8th Boys Wrestling
17/8th Girls Cross Country
17/8th Girls Softball
17/8th Girls Track
17th Boys Basketball
17th Boys Wrestling
17th Fall Cheer
17th Football
17th Girls Basketball
17th Girls Volleyball
17th Winter Cheer
18th Boys Basketball
18th Boys Wrestling
18th Fall Cheer
18th Football
18th Girls Basketball
18th Winter Cheer
1Baseball Boys Freshman
1Baseball Boys Junior Varsity
1Boys 7/8th Cross Country
1Boys 7/8th Track
1Boys Freshman Golf
1Boys Freshman Lacrosse
1Boys Freshman Tennis
1Boys Freshman Track
1Boys Freshman Wrestling
1Boys Junior Varsity Cross Country
1Boys Junior Varsity Football
1Boys Junior Varsity Golf
1Boys Junior Varsity Tennis
1Boys Junior Varsity Track
1Boys Junior Varsity Wrestling
1Boys Lacrosse
1Boys Swimming
1Boys Track
1Boys Varsity Cross Country
1Coed 7/8th Cross Country
1Coed 7/8th Track
1Coed Cross Country
1Coed Freshman Track
1Coed Junior Varsity Cross Country
1Coed Junior Varsity Track
1Coed Swimming
1Coed Track
1Coed Varsity Cross Country
1Coed Varsity Track
1Freshman Boys Basketball
1Freshman Boys Football
1Freshman Boys Soccer
1Freshman Fall Cheer
1Freshman Football
1Freshman Girls Basketball
1Freshman Girls Soccer
1Freshman Girls Softball
1Freshman Girls Volleyball
1Freshman Softball
1Freshman Winter Cheer
1Girls 8th Softball
1Girls 8th Volleyball
1Girls Cross Country
1Girls Freshman Golf
1Girls Freshman Lacrosse
1Girls Freshman Tennis
1Girls Freshman Track
1Girls Junior Varsity Cross Country
1Girls Junior Varsity Golf
1Girls Junior Varsity Tennis
1Girls Junior Varsity Track
1Girls Lacrosse
1Girls Swimming
1Girls Track
1Junior Varsity Boys Basketball
1Junior Varsity Boys Lacrosse
1Junior Varsity Boys Soccer
1Junior Varsity Boys Softball
1Junior Varsity Boys Volleyball
1Junior Varsity Fall Cheer
1Junior Varsity Football
1Junior Varsity Girls Basketball
1Junior Varsity Girls Lacrosse
1Junior Varsity Girls Soccer
1Junior Varsity Girls Softball
1Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball
1Junior Varsity Winter Cheer
1Varsity Boys Baseball
1Varsity Boys Basketball
1Varsity Boys Bowling
1Varsity Boys Cross Country
1Varsity Boys Football
1Varsity Boys Golf
1Varsity Boys Lacrosse
1Varsity Boys Soccer
1Varsity Boys Tennis
1Varsity Boys Track
1Varsity Boys Volleyball
1Varsity Boys Wrestling
1Varsity Fall Cheer
1Varsity Football
1Varsity Girls Basketball
1Varsity Girls Bowling
1Varsity Girls Cross Country
1Varsity Girls Golf
1Varsity Girls Lacrosse
1Varsity Girls Soccer
1Varsity Girls Softball
1Varsity Girls Tennis
1Varsity Girls Track
1Varsity Girls Volleyball
1Varsity Softball
1Varsity Winter Cheer